Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Family Pictures!!

These wonderful new family photos are courtesy of Ashley Gammill Photography! Thanks again Ash we love them! I am glad we were able to get some good ones even though Bella wasn't sure she wanted to cooperate! (Terrible 2's here we come!) I figured it was time for an updated family photo since Bella is going to be 2 soon and we are still sporting a family picture without her in our living room! (Bad mom!) Give me your input so I can decide which one to blow up to replace the old one! I have a hard time making decisions on my own!If you want to check out more of our photo shoot click here!


  1. Your family is so darn cute Traci! I really love them all. But I think I like the one with you guys sitting on the rock best. It shows both your kids super cute smiles!

  2. I love your clothing choices! My faves are always the more "close up" ones. So for sure the one on the rocks. But I love them all! Cute family.

  3. cute cute cute little family...gotta love them halls and that ashtab too!

    Yah for blogging again!

  4. So so cute! I really like the one with the arches, but my favorite is Bella's sad face picture. So cute. Love our Baby D and Sweet Baby Bella.

  5. Very Cute Trace! I love the flower in Bella's hair. I looked on her blog at some of the other pictures & love the one of Jake holding Bella when she is smiling-so cute! I can't believe Jake let you take family pictures at LHS before you have had them taken at SV. ha! :)

  6. Trac the pics are great and i love the color scheme little Bella looks adorable with her boots and dress:) your family is gorgeous

  7. Hey Traci-
    I found your blog on Hailey Kidman's blog, I will have to add you to my blog list to keep in touch!
